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Our Gardening Group has responsibility for planting and maintaining our community beds.  They meet on the second Wednesday and fourth Saturday of each month outside the Fraser Centre and in addition, there are a number of sub groups who look after particular areas on a regular basis.  

Our Gardening convenor is Ina Cameron, who is supported by a small team. 

West Highland Way

As well as Milngavie in Bloom volunteers we are joined regularly by members of

the Bearsden & Milngavie Ramblers.  We meet on the third Thursday of each month  and aim to improve

the physical environment at the start of the West Highland Way for the benefit

of both local and long-distance walkers.


If you want to know more about this group contact Joanne Caldwell.

Allander Road Group

Meets every Monday and maintains the Italian Garden within the Allander Road

housing complex.  With help from Milngavie in Bloom the residents have worked

hard to restore the garden to its former glory and have won a number of Awards for their acheivements. 

Carers Link Wellbeing Garden

Set within the Enterprise Centre this garden provides a quiet and tranquil place

 for carers, staff and volunteers to enjoy some peace. A small team of 4

maintain the garden and in recent years new wall planters, a water butt and

a third bench have been added.  Additionally, the old smoking shelter has been

incorporated into the garden.


Antonine Garden

A small group of six Milngavie in Bloom volunteers maintain the garden and

paths about six times a year. Like all gardens, the herbaceous plants need

dividing or transplanting from year to year. We mulch the ground in the Spring

which helps to suppress the weeds and we plant Spring bulbs and summer

annuals where appropriate.

For dates of  up coming gardening sessions click here.

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Gardening  Group

  Join our community of gardening volunteers

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